Visiting the DuPage Children’s Museum’s Questioneers display at the Ottawa Street Branch? Check out the map here or grab one at the service desks!
The exhibit is located on all three levels of the library.
Level 1:
Be an architect like Iggy Peck: Build blocks, bridges and explore the town!
Be a leader like Sofia Valdez: Play the giant board game and turn Mount Trashmore into Citizen’s Park!
Level 2:
Be a Scientist like Ada Twist: Sit in the thinking chair, test the scientific method and find out why the clock goes tick tok!
Little Questioneers play zone and Cheese Kiosk
Fly the Helio-cheese-copter
Be an Engineer like Rosie Revere: Create rockets, fly paper airplanes and experiment with your creations!
Lower Level:
Miss Lila Greer’s classroom and Be an Artist like Aaron Slater: Draw, build, play! Visit each character’s desk!