Get a Library Card
Any resident of the city of Joliet may apply for a library card. Children may apply for their own library card, with parental consent and signature of responsibility.
Parents can apply for individual library cards for each child at their discretion. Parents or legal guardians must sign the library card application for each minor.
Non-residents who own property within the city limits are asked to present proof of ownership to obtain a card.
Adult residents of Illinois in an area that is not taxed for public library service may purchase a non-resident library card. Please contact the Circulation Department at 815-740-2660 to calculate the cost of your card. Children from birth to 17 are eligible for Joliet Public Library cards at no additional cost to the household, thanks to the passing of the “Cards for Kids Act.” .

Applicants must present one current government issued photo ID that verifies their name and one printed form of identification that verifies their current address. P.O. Boxes cannot be used.
If you have one piece of identification that verifies both name and current address, such as a driver’s license, that one piece of identification can be used to get a library card. If you do not, then you must present at least one piece of identification from each list. Nothing handwritten can be used for identification. In the absence of a valid government-issued photo ID, any photo ID that shows one’s full name in addition to a document showing the applicant’s current address will be accepted.
You must notify the library immediately if your card is lost. You are responsible for all items checked out on that card until the library is notified of its loss. You are also responsible for any items that you allow friends and/or relatives to check out on your card. If you have any questions about getting a library card, feel free to ask or call the Circulation staff.
If you wish to make your new digital card a full-use card, please bring identification with current address to the Joliet Public Library to receive a physical card and access to a full range of materials and services the library offers.
You must present one piece of identification from this list:
(Acceptable identification for verification of identity)
- Valid driver’s license
- Valid state ID
- Valid passport
- Matricula ID card
And one piece of identification from this list:
(Acceptable identification for verification of current address)
- Valid driver’s license
- Valid state ID
- Voter’s registration card
- Current utility bills
- Current bills
- Closing papers for property within the city of Joliet